cards · copics · Easel · Published · Stampavie

Happy news…

Awhile back I received an email from a magazine wanting to publish one of my easel cards for a new feature in their magazine…”What’s Out There? Beautiful Blogs!”    What an honor to be included in this magazine from overseas!  I used Stampavie’s  “Looking at You” clear stamp by Gillian Roberts.

Here’s the front of the card and the post, with pictures of the full card, is HERE

Here’s a link to buy this August issue or to subscribe – HERE.  They told me that it should be in the Barnes and Noble, JoAnn’s and Michael’s stores also,  but I went ahead and ordered a copy online because I can’t run into those stores without a trip.  My credit card was charged $9.61 for it (you’ll only see GBP on their site).

Here’s a picture of the cover… in case you find it in a store…my card is on page 76 !  : )

Here’s a link to the Papercraft Inspirations blog and the post that lists the other blogs featured in this two page spread – HERE.

Thanks for stopping by!  I’ve missed chatting with everyone!  What a busy time of year!  I’ll leave you with a picture from our fun 4th of July – “on the pond”!   : )

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34 thoughts on “Happy news…

  1. awww Pam I am soooo proud of you but certainly not surprised …. You do the most amazing work & I am not alone in waiting for another wonderful creation from you … This one is super adorable & can’t wait to see the magazine which I would buy just because you’re in there ….
    Hugs, Janie

  2. Congratulations Pam!
    Lovely card and accolades well overdue!
    Stand in the spotlight – you really deserve it.

  3. Congratulations, Pam! Such a well-deserved honor. I look forward each day to receiving your post and seeing your latest creations. Your cards are spectacular! This one is really gorgeous, by the way…

  4. I am surprised you are not in more magazines! Your card is so cute and I have seen many people are copying your card. (Isn’t that supposed to be the greatest form of flattery?) I am just thrilled for you and happy to have a friend who is famous not infamous! LOL! Your pond looks wonderful!

  5. Hi Pam, CONGRATS to you on this lovely honor! I am not at all surprised you were chosen…your work is AMAZING!!! Looking forward to getting a copy of this issue so I can see it in print!
    Love your pic of the lake, too ~ Just beautiful!!!
    Have a great day,
    Barb G.

  6. Congratulations girl, I have the e-copy of the magazine and thought that the card looked familiar to something I’d seen recently “two days ago, lol”.
    What an honor this is to you and your hard work. And, may I add one of the best blog sites.

  7. Wow, what a neat experience and honor. CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU..
    My subscription just ended and I didn’t renew it. Need to get this magazine at the store..
    Happy, happy, happy for you..
    Blessings and hugs to you.

  8. Congrats Pam, but no surprise there cause WOMAN, YOU ROCK!!! This creation as well as all your others are fabulous and it’s wonderful that your work will be out there for everyone to see! You go girl!!!

    TFS that beautiful pic!

  9. Way to go Pam!!! Although well deserved!!! They should have a magazine with ONLY your creations!!! There you go, you need to publish a book of only your work!!! Put me down for a copy!!!

  10. I am SO excited for you! i can’t wait to get my hands on the magazine. I’ve been in love with your cards from the moment I first found your blog & I can understand why they chose you. It was a no-brainer! Your cards are just gorgeous!

  11. So happy for you Pam! You certainly deserve these high honors and I trust you’ll take a few moments to enjoy this creative celebration. The card you created is definately adorable!

  12. Hi Pam, Just wanted to stop by and say thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog, I’m glad people enjoy my cards as much as I do making them.
    Well done on getting published in the magazine, your card is beautiful.
    Jenny 🙂

  13. Congrats on the magazine publication Pam, but that was a no brainer on their part. Your cards ROCK woman.


  14. Hi Pam, congrats on your pub! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me some love. You asked about my hair in the back – it is cut really short but I have natural wave in my hair so I don’t have to curl it. The wave is perfect for this type of cut on me. Not sure what you would do for stick straight hair. Hope you can find a fabby cut for it. Have a great day!

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