cards · Color Pencil · Fall · MFT

MFT Wednesday Sketch Challenge…


Hi everyone! What a week!  Beautiful days until Friday. Then BAM blustery Friday arrived! lol  I have a few Fall cards to post so I better get to it! and plenty more Christmas coming too!

I’ve been tempted for some time to get the color pencils out again, so with the Daily Marker 30 day coloring challenge I finally did!  So fun…coloring is always time consuming but I need to do this more so I get the ‘feel’ for it.  This was kinda an experiment! lol

I got a new pencil sharpener…wow…what a difference it makes for coloring! It’s a Dahle 133…you can google and find it.

I use Bruynzeel Fullcolor Pencils made in Holland but you can’t get them anymore.  Sakura bought out Bruyzeel and changed them I’m sure…one thing I know, my set of 120 is no more.  They are wonderful pencils to color with though and maybe they’d show up on ebay!  I didn’t check. Here’s what mine look like…and look at the lead on the yellow pencil… yes, that sharpener!!!


The pencils they have now are called Bruynzeel Design.  I’ll link up to them below just in case you want to order a couple to try. I love doing that. I have tried several brands and consequently I want ALL the pencils. HELP! lol

I love this cutie stamp and die set from MFT stamps…I hope he made you smile on this blustery weekend!

Linking up to MFT Sketch Card Challenge 


I’m going to write another blog post so I’ll have one tomorrow and Monday too…for sure!

Thanks for stopping by!  I’m behind replying to comments because we had our area stamp club Christmas party yesterday! Whew, I went crazy getting ready for it. lol Cards and soup!  A fun time for sure and guess what?!  We drew names for gift exchange and the gal that got my name knew I loved this stamp that she got last year and she gave it to me this year!  It’s an older Memory Box Santa stamp!  I’m so delighted to have it!  Our middle daughter has a collection of older cute Memory Box stamps.  I need to take a picture of them and share it here.  Then you can be jealous of her collection with me! lol

Thanks again – you are the best!  I am so thankful for all my friends that live in my computer and out! You’re the best!  ( ) ( ) ( )  (those are hugs)

Here’s some links…


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18 thoughts on “MFT Wednesday Sketch Challenge…

  1. Awwww! That is cute as can be!! Your coloring is awesome! I love to color with colored pencils too! Need to do it more! Love the little fall scene you created with those cuties!! Glad you had fun at stamp club! Stay warm! It got cold here too! 🙂

  2. Oh what a fun party – soup and card making – what could be more fun. And the fall scarecrow scene is just too cute, I love to color – (don’t do it all that well), I think my inner kid is coming out again. It just turned COLD here this am – 31 when we woke up but we have a nice fire in the wood stove and it is toasty. Love our wood heat.

  3. oh my goodness, this is too cute pam! such a sweet scene and i love your colouring and colours you chose. i don’t know why i haven’t bought that little fence yet, and i love the racoons. it’s surprising how fast my wish list grows. fyi your canadian followers, according to the dahle website, there is only 1 canadian dealer, but they said they don’t bring those sharpeners in and recommended an email from dahle also confirmed i could find it on

  4. Hi Pam!
    What is it about those specific pencils that you like? I’ve worked with Berol years ago and watercolor ones, but what’s the scoop on these? (Inquiring minds want to know. LOL!)
    And yes, that wind Friday was fierce!
    As always, you’re coloring is beautiful!
    I love MFT stamps! When I was down in FL to visit my kids a few weeks ago I made the trip to their main store in Estero. I have to be nuts because it was an almost 3 hour drive! But it was fun to see the “headquarters” and the gorgeous store! I spent WAY too much in there but hubby doesn’t need to know. Heeheeee! (I wonder how many stamper husbands actually DO know what we spend? A great topic for another day!) Hugs!

  5. Very cute and just perfect!! I usually get glue stuck on mine somewhere! My girlfriend just went home-bless her-she came and helped me make my 61 Christmas Cards for the shut-ins at our church.
    We didn’t get them all done-but what a help it was!!!

  6. He is just adorable, love your coloring, I am not very good with my pencils but maybe that is because I don’t use them often enough, maybe will have to break them out more, love this little Autumn scene!
    Glad you had such a good time at your party and isn’t that wonderful you received a stamp you had been wanting 🙂

  7. I love to sit down with my pencils now and then. I have Prismas. Yours are so pretty! It’s true, the more you use a medium, the more comfortable you get with it. I think your coloring of this adorable fall scene looks fantastic! Those are the perfect images for pencil coloring, too!

  8. Oh Pam what a cute card! Glad you got your pencils out! Yes coloring is time consuming but so relaxing! I love combining coloring and die cuts! Sorry I am so late commenting! I’ve been coloring every day…it seems to have taken all my time! LOL 😂

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